OLA Ontario Library Association Forest of Reading Programme 2020 @ Your Library Hastings Highlands Public Library Maynooth Ontario
Attention all Blue Spruce readers! We posted information last month about the Forest program with links to the books on line.
Here is information on how you can vote, when you can vote, and where you can vote. Update on Reading and Voting: Voting is OPEN NOW
Maynooth Public School students can choose to continue to read or even re-read some of the books that we read together in our Library.
Here is a list of the books that we read and recorded in our Blue Spruce Passports: Sheep Sheep Sloth at the Zoom That’s Not Hockey
You will still be able to vote for your favourite book! Your vote will help to choose the best picture book written by a Canadian author this year. A voting form for you to use is posted for you. We will tally our Library’s votes and send them into the OLA for you. Normally you would have to read all ten books but this year our Library readers can vote if they have read five books. You do not need to be pre registered in our programme. Any Library Patron can participate! Just go to this page and fill out the submission form with the name of the book you would like to vote for to win this year's Blue Spruce Award.

Important Update in the Forest of Reading from the OLA Website:
"A lot has changed in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic in these past few weeks. For our registrants, our readers, and our authors, this has been an incredibly challenging time.
Now more than ever, it is crucial to keep the love of reading alive and to support our writing, publishing, school, and library communities. Many of you have asked us new ways to engage with readers and parents virtually, and the Forest of Reading will do what we can to support you. We made a number of changes to major aspects of the program and we wanted to update you on these changes:
PASSWORD WEBSITE: The Forest of Reading is a paid program, however, in these
unprecedented times, it is important our children, educators and library staff to have
access to our program. The password website, which was previously only accessible
to current registrants, is now open to the public for free at forestofreading.com. With
over 500 resources for this year’s nominated titles and virtual author visits previously
recorded, there is so much content for people to use. Please share it widely across all of your networks.
Go to forestofreading.com
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “School-Aged Programs."
Click on Blue Spruce.
Scroll down to find resources linked to each book: art, creative writing, word matches and more
VOTING: We have extended voting in the school-aged programs until June 1. [...] We will plan to announce the winners on June 16, 17, and 18."