In our continued efforts to encourage social distancing and bring the library to you, we have created a group on Facebook dedicated to our monthly book club! Whether you are a member of the book club that meets every month at the library or not, we hope to see you come and check it out. Nancy, our Information Services Librarian who is responsible for our programming and runs the book club for us, will be working on some ideas for what this book club will look like and how it will operate during this quarantine period (and possibly beyond). Our regular book club in the past met on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 1pm, and would discuss the book that had been distributed at the previous meeting. At any time, if someone had missed the meeting or decided to join after the meeting had passed, they could pick up a copy of the book at the library. More details on what we will be doing with this online book club will follow soon, but for now we are inviting you to join it by searching "HHPL Online Book Club" or by going to this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/586115958645758
To join, members are asked two questions. First, if they are interested in the online version of the book club only, or if they would also be interested in the physical meetings at the library after the quarantine period has ended. This will help us determine if it would be worthwhile to continue with an online book club for those who may be unable or uninterested in the physical meetings.
The second question is whether they are currently a member of the Hastings Highlands Public Library. Non-library users are also welcome, but if they are interested in attending the meetings at the library and borrowing books, they would need to sign up for a library membership and we could jumpstart this process by sending them a registration form.
Potential members are also asked to agree to the rules upon joining, which are primarily to respect all other members privacy, as book club discussions can sometimes lead to personal anecdotes. The group is currently set to open but private, meaning anyone can request to join, but the posts are not viewable by non-group members.
If you have any suggestions regarding the online book club, we'd love to hear from you! Please email Nancy at info@hastingshighlandslibrary.ca