Hello, community members and library users!
With the progression to Stage 3, we have been receiving an increased number of messages and calls inquiring when we will be opening to the public, so we thought now was as good a time as any to release an update on our library's status and what we are doing to prepare for reopening.
As our library is located in the Hastings Highlands Centre facility, our reopening is determined by three factors: the official Provincial legislation, the directive from the Municipal Council, and library readiness. At this time, we are permitted by the Province to reopen, but the facility closure has been extended by the Municipal Council until July 31st, which is the date that we have put on our website and social media for the sake of clarifying that we will not be open prior to this date.
However, we still do not know when we will be reopening after July 31st to advertise a specific reopening date, as we are still in the process of developing policies and procedures to help us address specific scenarios and issues. This process has been done by consulting the staff, CEO, and a committee of the library board responsible for developing safe practices for reopening. While we are permitted to open by the Government of Ontario, every library has its own challenges and barriers to also take into consideration for the safety of staff and the community at large.
Currently, we are offering curbside pickup services by appointment, with returns entering quarantine for a period of 72 hours which we track electronically. For more information, visit our website here: https://www.hastingshighlandslibrary.ca/pickups
As far as I can see, you are doing a great job! Especially about the quarantine for 72 hour of returns. Keep up the good work!!