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Library Material Pick-up Service Launching Next Week

Writer's picture: HHPL StaffHHPL Staff

Updated: May 20, 2020

Our library has been given the green light to launch our library material pick-up service, starting Monday, May 25th. We will be spending Monday setting up, so for the first week, pick-ups will begin on Tuesday, May 26th.

We are working on setting up a webpage with all the information you'll need to know to get started, but we couldn't wait to share the good news with you so we're posting about it on our blog today!

(Tip: If you're just curious about the pick-up schedule and not how the process will work, scroll to the end of this post!)

Here's how it will work: you'll place an order by phone or email, and we'll grab the books off the shelf and package it. Staff will be sanitizing or washing their hands before touching or packaging any library materials, and all returns will be quarantined for 72 hours before going back into circulation.

Once we're sure there's no issue with your order, we'll call or email you back to schedule a pick-up time which will allow for staggering appointments. We will have a table set up outside the library in the courtyard, which is where your packaged materials will be placed.

Once you arrive, before exiting your vehicle be sure there is no one else picking up library materials. At that point, you can safely approach the table, where pylons and signage will be placed as physical distancing markers. The pylons closest to the building doors are the physical distancing markers for staff, and the pylons on the other side of the table will be for individuals picking up library materials.

If you have any materials to return, please put them in the dropbox at this time. Do not place them on the table, do not attempt to hand directly to staff. The safe handling of returned materials are our highest priority for both the safety of staff and our most vulnerable patrons who may be using this service. At this time, we are also not accepting any donated materials. We appreciate all of our generous donors who donate books and movies to the library year round, but at this time we are looking to limit contact with materials from individual homes as much as possible.

Once your returns have been dropped off, you can approach the designated pick-up zone in front of the table, which will be marked with signage and pylons. A staff member will come out to wipe down the table before returning to the building to grab your materials. At this time, we ask that you deposit your library card or Photo I.D. on the table before going back to the pylon on your side of the table and waiting. Staff will sanitize the table before and after each transaction, in case of accidental contamination between pick-up appointments.

A staff member at this point will come out, verify your identity, and deposit your materials on the table. Once they have passed the physical distancing pylons on their side of the table, you may grab your packaged materials and library card/photo I.D. and return to your vehicle. If you would like to make arrangements for another person to pick-up your order, either on your behalf or just in addition to their own, arrangements must be made in advance. We will require the name of the person picking up your order and they will be required to provide photo I.D. to confirm their identity.

This service is only possible if we follow the physical distancing protocol recommended by the province, so we ask that everyone does their best to abide by it. We know that accidents happen and we're all trying our best, but on the off chance there are any incidents of deliberate disregard for physical distancing, this service will be suspended for that individual until we feel assured it will not happen again.

And now the part we know you've all been waiting for - the updated lending terms and pick-up schedule!


DVD's - 3 Week Loan, Limit of 10 (Maximum of 2 TV Seasons) Per Transaction

Books - 6 Week Loan, Limit of 20 Per Transaction

At this time, we are extending lending periods and the limit of items borrowed. However, the items borrowed are per transaction and not per card at this time. These limits are subject to change depending on demand, and may increase or decrease if it is determined to be necessary.


Monday - 11am to 2pm

Tuesday - 3pm to 6pm

Wednesday - 1pm to 4pm

Thursday - 3pm to 6pm

Reminder - Monday, May 25th will be unavailable for pick-up as staff return to the building to make sure everything is set up and prepared. The earliest day for pick-up will be Tuesday, May 26th.

Appointments to start will be set 15 minutes apart, allowing for 4 pick-ups every hour. Once we know how the process will go and how much time it will actually require, this time may be reduced to allow for more appointments every hour. No appointments will be scheduled in the last 15 minutes of each shift to allow for staff to sanitize and bring in the table/pylons/signs/shelter before leaving for the day. At this time, we are not limiting how often appointments can be made by an individual, however this is subject to change if there is an increase in demand for this service, so that we may meet the needs of the community as a whole.

Stay tuned for the release of our pick-up service webpage, which will have instructions on how to place books on hold for pick-up, recommendations for learning what you should read next, and more. We will also post a PDF of our full procedures for handling returns and conducting pickup services, which will offer a more in-depth look at the safety and sanitation practices we are implementing.



Phone: 613-338-2262

Fax: 613-338-5534

33011 Highway 62 North
Maynooth, Ontario.
K0L 2S0

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